
Church in Haiti Growing, Helping the Community

Haiti 2015 Church Aug4The Berean Bible Church in Cap Haitien is growing so fast that they have about 300 people standing in the back inside and outside on Sunday mornings. With two services they are still packed in, yet more come. They want to hear the hope that is found only in Christ. Pray as these new believers are taught more about God’s word and shown the truth about the voodoo practices and beliefs that are still so prevalent in their culture. They have come from darkness into God’s light. Pray that they will continue to grow strong and to help their neighbors to be set free from the fear and oppression of voodoo.

Haiti 2015 Church Aug5Evening services are growing as well, with seventeen people putting their faith in Christ in one recent evening service. The church holds regular discipleship classes where they can come and find out more about following Jesus. The church also makes micro loans to the poorest in the community. These small interest free loans allow families to buy tools and supplies to earn an ongoing livelihood and work their way out of abject poverty. These people are very conscientious about paying back the loans so the money is then sent out again to help the community, while continuing to change and improve the lives of the earlier recipients. It is impressive to see what this church is doing with such limited resources. They are currently saving to complete a much needed balcony. About six thousand dollars will allow them to complete the project with no debt. If you wish to help this and other efforts, please consider donating.Haiti 2015 Church Aug3

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